Sunday, July 7, 2013

CharityVid - User Auth, Jasmine Testing, and Dust.js

This is the last (official) post in my CharityVid series. I'm going to try and cram 3 big topics into one post, so lets see how it goes.

User Authentication

We're going to be using passport.js and MongoDB to create and store users. Here is what the passport code will look like:
 var passport = require('passport'),  
   FacebookStrategy = require('passport-facebook').Strategy,  
   db = require('./db'),  
   settings = require('./settings'),  
   log = require('./log');  
 passport.use(new FacebookStrategy({  
   clientID: FACEBOOK_APP_ID,  
   clientSecret: FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET,  
   callbackURL: "//" + settings.DOMAIN + "/auth/facebook/callback"  
 }, function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {  
   db.getUser(, function(err, result){  
     if (err || !result) { //user does not exist, create  
       //default user object  
       var user = {  
         username: profile.username,  
         displayName: profile.displayName,  
       }"creating new user: "+user.fbid, user)  
       db.addUser(user, function(err, result) {  
         if(err || !result){  
           log.warn("error adding user", err)  
           return done(err)  
         return done(null, user)  
     } else {  
       return done(null, result)  
 passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) {  
   done(null, user)  
 passport.deserializeUser(function(obj, done) {  
   done(null, obj)  

and then we need to add it in as express middleware.
 app.configure(function() {  
     secret: settings.SESSION_SECRET,  
     store: new MongoStore({  
       url: settings.MONGO_URL  
   })) //auth  
   app.use(passport.session()) //defaults  
 app.get('/auth/facebook/callback', auth.passport.authenticate('facebook', {  
   failureRedirect: '/'  
 }), function(req, res) {  
 app.get('/logout', function(req, res) {  
 app.get('/auth/facebook', auth.passport.authenticate('facebook'), function(req, res) { /* function will not be called.(redirected to Facebook for authentication)*/  

Well that was a piece of cake, onto testing!


There are many kinds of testing (, and its up to you to decide how much or how little of it you wan't to do. CharityVid uses Jasmine-node for its tests. We have a folder named 'tests', and inside are javascript files named '<part of code>.spec.js'. The .spec.js extension tells jasmine that these are tests to run. Here is what a test might look like with jasmine:
 describe("Util check", function() {  
   var belt = require('../util')    
    it("retrieves charity data", function(done) {
        belt.onDataReady(function() {
            belt.getCharity("americanredcross", function(err, charity) {

And then to test it:
 jasmine-node tests  

And now finally, onto Dust.js


CharityVid uses Dust.js, which is a template engine, similar to Jade, the default template engine used by express.js. Dust has a some nice features, including pre-compiled client side templates that can also be used server side (pre-compiling reduces the initial load times). Using dust.js is as simple as setting the view engine:
 var cons = require('consolidate')  
 app.engine('dust', cons.dust) //dustjs template engine  
 app.configure(function() {  
   app.set('view engine', 'dust') //dust.js default  

The dust engine comes from the Consolidate.js library, which supports a ton of different engines.
Here is an example of what dust.js looks like:
 {<css_extra}<link href="/css/profile.css" rel="stylesheet">{/css_extra}  
 {<title}CharityVid - {name}{/title}  
 <meta property="og:title" content="{name} - CharityVid"/>  
 {<js}<script src='/js/profile.js' async></script>{/js}  
 <div class="row-fluid">  
   <img alt='{name}' class='profile-picture' src='{fbid}/picture?type=large' align="left">  
   <span id='userQuote'>{quote}</span>  
       <a class='edit' id='editQuote' href='#'>edit</a>  
   <input type='hidden' name='_csrf' id='csrfToken' value='{token}'>  

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