The N Queens problem is a simple yet effective way of assessing a developer's ability to use recursion. For that reason, it may show up during technical interviews, so I wrote a quick little example using the chessboard.js library for visualization.
Here is a simple solution in JavaScript:
function solve(n) { var ans = [] solver([]) return ans function solver(current) { if (current.length === n) ans.push(current) else for (var i=0; i < n; i++) { for (var j=0, l=current.length; j < l; j++) { var prev = current[j] if (prev === i) break if (prev-(l-j) === i) break if (prev+(l-j) === i) break } if (j === l) solver(current.concat([i])) } } }
My solution uses a technique called backtracking, which is basically depth-first search without an end condition. Note that I do not recommend the pattern above with a 'return' above a function, but it provides an interesting exercise for those who have never seen it before to understand JavaScript hoisting.
The algorithm moves left to right, placing a queen in the next available column. The key to the above code is the inner loop. This is what checks to see if a move is legal, such that no other queen on the board conflicts with the one to be placed. After that, it is simple recursion, with a condition that if the board is full then add it to the solution set.
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